A collection of alternate programming languages, many with complete source code, documentation, and examples.
Caml Light 0.6
An implementation of the Caml Light programming language, complete with source and examples.
Xavier Leroy
xavier.leroy@inria.fr (Xavier Leroy)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
GCC 1.37.1r14
A port of GCC, a programming environment that can compile and build applications. Complete with executables and full source code.
Jonathan R R Kimmitt
jrrk@camcon.co.uk (Jonathan R R Kimmitt)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
GWAda 1.5.1
An interactive development environment for the Ada programming language. Based on the AdaEd compiler/interpreter developed at NYU. The language (and the environment) was designed for education purposes, but it is stable enough that it can be used for small and medium size projects, or for learning the Ada language on your own. Complete with source code and programming examples.
Manuel Perez
perez@seas.gwu.edu (Manuel Perez)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Harvest C 1.3
An implementation of the C programming language. Complete with sources, compiler, and examples.
Eric Sink
eric@spyglass.com (Eric Sink)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Icon 8.1
An implementation of the Icon programming language, complete with examples.
Ralph Griswold
ralph@cs.arizona.edu (Ralph Griswold)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Logo 2.1.1
An implementation of the Logo programming language, written in HyperCard.
John Stiles
ltaylor@academic.csubak.edu (John Stiles)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
LogoMation 1.0.1
A programming environment for people doing their first steps in programming. Introduces the concepts of programming and program design through a language that supports advanced graphics, animation, and sound.
Chuck Shavit
shavit@viewlogic.com (Chuck Shavit)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
MacGambit 2.0
MacGambit is a full implementation of Scheme that conforms to the IEEE-Scheme standard
(IEEE P1178) and to the Revised 4 Report on Scheme (R4RS). The system supports the whole
numeric tower (i.e. integer, rational, real and complex numbers). It also has several
extensions to the standards including: weak pairs, string ports, property lists, pretty
printer, debugger, compiler and multitasking.
Marc Feeley
feeley@iro.umontreal.ca (Marc Feeley)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
MacGofer 0.22d
An implementation of the Gofer programming language, complete with source code and examples.
Kevin Hammond
kh@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk (Kevin Hammond)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
MacMETH 3.2.1
The METH programming language. This is a fast version of Modula-2, complete with examples.
Juerg Thoeny ETHZ
thoeny@ito.umnw.ethz.ch (Juerg Thoeny ETHZ)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
MacOberonLite 1.0.1
An implementation of the Oberon programming language, complete with samples.
Oliver Dreer
odreer@iiic.ethz.ch (Oliver Dreer)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Mops 2.3.1
An implementation of the Mops programming language, complete with examples.
Michael Hore
mikeh@kralizec.zeta.org.au (Michael Hore)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Open Prolog 1.0.2
An implementation of the Prolog language, complete with examples.
Michael Brady
Michael.Brady@ashe.cs.tcd.ie (Michael Brady)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Parallaxis 2.11
An implementation of the Parallaxis programming language, complete with examples.
Forth is a beautiful language. It is easily spoken and source code looks like poetry. Oh yes, Forth produces fast compact code. Pocket Forth is a small Forth system for the Macintosh computer, founded on well documented principals(1,2,3). Although Forth is being standardized, Pocket Forth has evolved independently of the standard.
Chris Heilman
cheilman@aol.com (Chris Heilman)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
PowerLisp 1.1
An implementation of the Lisp programming language, complete with examples.
Roger Corman
powerlisp@aol.com (Roger Corman)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Python 1.0.2
An implementation of the Python programming language, complete with source code and examples.
Guido van Rossum
guido@cwi.nl (Guido van Rossum)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Ramses 2.2pre6
This is the Research Aids for Modelling and Simulation of Environmental Systems. It consists of a shell and several so-called sessions. Each session serves a particular purpose, modeling, experiment definition, simulation, and post-simulation analysis and can be run from within the shell. You can execute your own Modula-2 programs from within the shell.
Juerg Thoeny ETHZ
thoeny@ito.umnw.ethz.ch (Juerg Thoeny ETHZ)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
RLaB 0.99b
A programming environment that focuses on creating good experimental environments in which to do matrix math.
Tzong-Shuoh Yang
tsyang@ce.berkeley.edu (Tzong-Shuoh Yang)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
XLisp 2.1e3
An implementation of the Lisp programming language, complete with source code and examples.
Brian Kendig
bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)
Apprentice:Programming:Other Languages:
Yerk 3.6.6
This is a language based on a Forth Kernal with major modifications. Originally known as Neon.